Meet The Cats

Nyepi is one the first cats in the Cat Cafe Sanur. She likes to play with ball and chase figures on tv.
He is about 2 years old. He got hit by a scooter and cause of that he cannot walk. He loves to take care of the kittens.
Yangi is a bit careful with humans. Doesn`t like touching and might give a nice scratch if get too close.

She is also one of the first members here. Cat of the cats, mostly just chilling and taking easy.
Jouni is one of the 3 bad boys in cafe who sometimes likes to tease female cats. But he is anyway really nice with humans.

Bart might look like is pregnant, but is not, and it`s a he. He just loves food a lot.
Lisa is the most charming cat in the Cat Cafe Sanur crew, she will make you smile for sure.

She is very playful but she also likes to bullying kittens.

Pretty is a charmer. Likes to hang out with guest and is very playful.
Melly is a BIG Himalayan cat. His daily routine is to eat, play 5 min and sleep.
Abu is friendly cat, but she does not like hugging, but likes to get scratch on the back near tail.

You might sometimes hear Tyson yelling and screaming, it`s just cause he has stomatitis what causes pain sometimes. He is a lovely boy.

Stanley does not come much to the lower level, likes to spend time more on higher ground. Likes to play anyway and to be cuddled.

Canin is the only kitten who survived from Ms Royals kittens. She is rescued from the street. Canin likes to spent time on outside catio.

Lucy is very calm and friendly cat. You can see that she has injured her back leg earlier. Looks strange way to walk, but she can move and jumping really well.

Rie and Lucy have same owner and they will be moving to Jakarta later with their owner. Rie is sick for autism and also she is deaf.

Minie is brother of Tyson. Super playful. He is really good babysitter, always when new kittens arrive to cafe, he is always taking care of them.

Dodo is very active and likes to chill at the upper level. She is also really addicted to cat snacks.

Lara is Dodos sister, also likes to hang out in the upper level. She has a really long and beautiful tail.

Hoya is also rescued from streets. He is obsessed about cat snacks. Also likes to jump on guests back sometime and likes to make biscuit.

One of the 4 rescue siblings of YMCA.

One of the 4 rescue siblings of YMCA.

One of the 4 rescue siblings of YMCA.

One of the 4 rescue siblings of YMCA.

She and her brother Fedex came from jawa,it was inside delivery mail box, they always want to stick together.

He and his sister Gypsi are box destroyer. Most of box they destroy and must check what contain the box.

Rescued by german lady.he had very hard life on the street bullied by other stray cats. He will go to germany 2024 with his rescuer. He is very calm and good boy,

She always moving quickly and is very playful cat.